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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

MSc. Saliou Mbengue, Ph.D.


Position: postdoktorand

Branch: Department of Atmospheric Matter Fluxes and Long-range Transport

Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00


Phone: +420 778 494 819

Research Focus

Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Science, Atmospheric Aerosols Chemistry and Physics, climate change.


  • 2010-2013 : Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai – Université du Littoral – Côte d’Opale (France), Ph.D. in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry.
  • 2008-2010 :University of Lorraine (France), Master’s degree in Environmental Science / Soils, Water and Environment.

  • 2008-2010 :University of Lorraine (France), Master’s degree in Geosciences.

  • 2004-2008 :University Cheikh Anta DIOP (UCAD) – Sénégal, Master’s degree in Natural Sciences.


  • 2021 – present: Research Assistant, Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno – Czech Republic. 
  • February 2016 – 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno – Czech Republic. 
  • May-July 2014 : Teaching in Environmental chemistry, UFR Sciences et Technologies – Université de Thiès, Sénégal.  
  • 2010-2013 :Ph.D. research Project in Atmospheric Aerosols Chemistry, Department of Atmospheric Science, Environmental Engineering – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai.
  •  2010 : Engineer Internship (6 months) in Environmental Science, Laboratory of Interactions Microorganisms – Minerals – Organic Matter in Soils –University of Lorraine.

Brief scientometrics


Author ID: 55860416200

Publications in impacted journals:

  • Mbengue, S., Alleman, L.Y.,  Flament, P., 2014. Size-distributed metallic elements in submicronic and ultrafine atmosphericparticles from urban and industrial areas in northern France. Atmospheric Research 135–136, 35–47.
  • Ondo Zue Abaga, N., Dousset, S., Mbengue, S., Munier-Lamy, C.. 2014. Is vetiver grass of interest for the remediation of Cu and Cd to protect marketing gardens in Burkina Faso? Chemosphere 113, 42–47.
  • Riffault, V., Arndt, J., Marris, H., Mbengue, S., Setyan, A., Alleman, L.Y., Deboudt, K., Flament, P., Patrick Augustin, P., Delbarre, H., Wenger, J. Fine and Ultrafine Particles in the Vicinity of Industrial Activities: A Review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 45, 2305-2356.
  • Mbengue, S., Alleman, L.Y.,  Flament, P., 2015. Bioaccessibility of trace elements in fine and ultrafine atmospheric particles in an industrial environment.Environmental Geochemistry and Health 37, 875-889.
  • Mbengue, S., Alleman, L.Y.,  Flament, P., 2017.Metal-bearing fine particle sources in a coastal industrialized environment. Atmospheric Research 183, 202–211.
  • Mbengue, S., Fusek, M., Schwarz, J., Vodička, P., Šmejkalová, A.H., Holoubek, I., 2018. Four years of highly time resolved measurements of elemental and organic carbon at a rural background site in Central Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 182, 335-346.
  • Setyan, A., Flament, P., Locoge, N., Deboudt, K., Riffault, V., Alleman, L.Y., Schoemaecker, C., Arndt, J., Augustin, P., Healy, R.M., Wenger, J.C., Cazier, F., Delbarre, H., Dewaele, D., Dewalle, P., Fourmentin, M., Genevray, P., Gengembre, C., Leonardis, T., Marris, H., Mbengue, S., 2019. Investigation on the near-field evolution of industrial plumes from metalworking activities. Science of the Total Environment, 668, 443 456.
  • Mbengue, S., Serfozo, N., Schwarz, J., Zikova, N., Šmejkalová, A.H., Holoubek, I. A., 2020. Characterization of Equivalent Black Carbon at a regional backgroundsite in Central Europe: Variability and source apportionment. Environmental Pollution 260, 113771.
  • Mbengue, S., Serfozo, N., Schwarz, J., Zikova, N., Šmejkalová, A.H., Holoubek, I., 2020. Characterization of Equivalent Black Carbon at a regional background site in Central Europe: Variability and source apportionment. Environmental Pollution 260, 113771.
  • Arndt, J., Healy, R.M., Setyan, A., Flament, P., Deboudt, K., Riffault, V., Alleman, L.Y., Mbengue, S., Wenger, J.C., 2020. Characterization and source apportionment of single particles from metalworking activities in Dunkirk, France. Environmental Pollution 116078. DOI:
  • Mbengue, S., Zikova, N., Schwarz, J., Vodička, P., Šmejkalová, A.H., Holoubek, I., 2021. Mass absorption cross-section and absorption enhancement from long term black and elemental carbon measurements: A rural background station in Central Europe.  Science of The Total Environment 794, 148365,
  • Mbengue, S., Zikova, N., Schwarz, J., Vodička, P., Šmejkalová, A.H., Holoubek, I., 2021. Corrigendum to “Mass absorption cross-section and absorption enhancement fromlong term black and elemental carbon measurements: A rural background station inCentral Europe” [Sci. Total Environ. 794, (10 November 2021), 148365]. Science of The Total Environment, 149321,
  • Pokorná, P.; Ziková, N.; Vodička, P.; Lhotka, R.; Mbengue, S.; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Riffault, V.; Ondráček, J.; Schwarz, J.; Ždímal, V. Chemically speciated mass size distribution, particle density, shape and origin of non-refractory PM1 measured at a rural background site in central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22: 5829-5858, 2022.
  • Szwed, M., Kozłowski, R., Żukowski, W., Mbengue, S., Suchánková, L., Prokešc, R., 2022. The structure of dust pollution in Poland based on automated short-term measurements. Przemyst Chemiczny, 101/6.
  • Mbengue, S., Vodička, P., Komínková, K., Schwarz, J., Zíková, N., Prokes, R., Suchánková, L., Julaha, K., Ondráček,  J., Holoubek, I., Ždímal, V. Different approaches to explore the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on carbonaceous aerosols at a European rural background site. Science of the Total Environment, 892, 164527.
  • Putaud, J.P., Pisoni, E., Mangold, A., Hueglin, C., Sciare, J., Pikridas, M., Savvides, C., Ondracek, J., Mbengue. S. et al., Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Preprint,
  • Szwed, M., Kozłowski, R., Żukowski, W., Mbengue, S., Suchánková, L., Prokešc, R., Insights into the chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols from Urban-industrial and rural sites in poland during winter. Quaestiones Geographiceae, Ms. No. QG-D-22-00066.